Woodworking tools - Carpentry and Joinery - Ebook

Now available at our shop we have the English version of our Portuguese book about woodworking tools for carpentry and joinery, originally published in 2014!
This is a digital edition produced by Saber Fazer, with graphic design by Maria Helena Silva, reminiscent of technical manuals from other times.

This book lists, organizes, describes and defines the 64 tools most used in the Carpentry and Joinery trades.
As a result of a strong technical investigation carried out by Alice Bernardo, each tool is duly illustrated, together with a detailed description of its shape, as well as the function for which it is intended.


Title: Woodworking Tools. Carpentry and Joinery
Author: Alice Bernardo
Linguistic Review: Marta Pessanha Mascarenhas
Composition and graphic design: Ofício / Maria Helena Silva
Editor: Saber Fazer
ISBN: 978-989-99111-2-3


Glossário e Dicionário da Tecelagem


Livro Ferramentas de Marcenaria e Carpintaria - Ebook